Comparison with Similar Reports

Growth Opportunities in the Global Movie and Entertainment Market

Trends, opportunities and forecast in this market to 2017 by various segment and region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Rest of the World)

Publisher:        Lucintel

# of Pages:        150+


1 User License $4,850

Publication Date:  April, 2012

Price:       $4,850 / User License

Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Industry Definition and Scope

3. Industry Overview

4. Global Macroeconomic Overview

5. Industry Trends

6. Industry Forecasts

7. Emerging Trends

8. Conclusions

List of Figures

CHAPTER 4. Global Macroeconomic Overview

  • Figure 4.1: Global GDP growth rate trend
  • Figure 4.2: Global inflation rate trend
  • Figure 4.3: Global population growth rate trend
  • Figure 4.4: Global unemployment rate trend
  • Figure 4.5: Regional GDP growth rate trend
  • Figure 4.6: Regional inflation rate trend
  • Figure 4.7: Regional population growth rate trend
  • Figure 4.8: Regional unemployment rate trend

CHAPTER 5. Industry Trends

  • Figure 5.1: Global movies & entertainment industry annual trend 2006-11 (US $B)
  • Figure 5.2: Global movies & entertainment industry regional trend: 2006-11 (US $B)
  • Figure 5.3: Global movies & entertainment industry regional trend: 2006-11 (%)
  • Figure 5.4: Global movies & entertainment industry quarterly trend 2010-11 (US $B)
  • Figure 5.5: Global movies & entertainment industry profitability trend 2006-11
  • Figure 5.6: Global movies & entertainment industry revenue per employee trend 2006-11
  • Figure 5.7: Cost structure of global movies & entertainment industry 2006-11
  • Figure 5.8: Cost structure in North American movies & entertainment industry: 2006-11
  • Figure 5.9: Cost structure in European movies & entertainment industry: 2006-11
  • Figure 5.10: Cost structure in Asia Pacific movies & entertainment industry: 2006-11
  • Figure 5.11: Top 5 companies vs. movies & entertainment industry operating profit & net profit analysis: 2010
  • Figure 5.12: Cash on hand for global movies & entertainment industry 2006-11 (US $B)
  • Figure 5.13: Cash on hand for global movies & entertainment industry 2006-11 (%)
  • Figure 5.14: Asset for global movies & entertainment industry 2006-11 (US $B)
  • Figure 5.15: Assets for global movies & entertainment industry 2006-11 (%)
  • Figure 5.16: Debt for global movies & entertainment industry 2006-11 (US $B)
  • Figure 5.17: Debts for global movies & entertainment industry 2006-11 (%)
  • Figure 5.18: Industry shares of top players in global movies & entertainment industry in 2006
  • Figure 5.19: Industry shares of top players in global movies & entertainment industry in 2010
  • Figure 5.20: Global movies & entertainment industry 2006 industry share analysis
  • Figure 5.21: Global movies & entertainment industry 2011 industry share analysis

CHAPTER 6. Industry Forecasts

  • Figure 6.1: Global movies & entertainment industry annual forecast 2012-17 (US $B)
  • Figure 6.2: Global movies & entertainment industry quarterly forecast 2011-12 (US $B)
  • Figure 6.3: Global GDP growth rate forecast
  • Figure 6.4: Global inflation rate forecast
  • Figure 6.5: Global population growth rate forecast
  • Figure 6.6: Global unemployment rate forecast
  • Figure 6.7: Regional GDP growth rate forecast
  • Figure 6.8: Regional inflation rate forecast
  • Figure 6.9: Regional population growth rate forecast
  • Figure 6.10: Regional unemployment rate forecast
  • Figure 6.11: Global movies & entertainment industry regional trend 2012-17 (US $B)
  • Figure 6.12: Global movies & entertainment industry regional trend 2012-17 (%)

CHAPTER 7. Emerging Trends

  • Figure 7.1: Emerging trends in global movies & entertainment industry
  • Figure 7.2: Global movies & entertainment industry opportunity by region

List of Tables

CHAPTER 3.Industry Overview

  • Table 3.1: Industry parameters of global movies & entertainment industry
  • Table 3.2: Relative industry attractiveness by region

CHAPTER 5. Industry Trends

  • Table 5.1: Regional revenue growth rate
  • Table 5.2: Percentage change in cost structure
  • Table 5.3: Percentage change in cash on hand
  • Table 5.4: Percentage change in total asset 
  • Table 5.5: Percentage change in debt
  • Table 5.6: key companies by revenue growth
  • Table 5.7: Key companies by revenue decline

CHAPTER 6. Industry Forecasts

  • Table 6.1: Global movies & entertainment forecast growth rate

The Impact of Crises on the Audiovisual Sector

SVOD, the great winner of the crisis

Publisher:        IDATE DigiWorld

# of Pages:        52


1 User License $3,000

Publication Date:  September, 2020

Price:       $3,000 / User License

1. Executive Summary

2. The dot-com bubble
• Comparison of GDP growth and TV revenues, 2001-2005
• Impact of the dot-com bubble on the pay-TV market
• Impact of the dot-com bubble on TV advertising revenues
• Impact of the dot-com bubble on public funding

3. The sub-prime crisis
• Comparison of GDP growth and TV revenues, 2006-2012
• Impact of the sub-prime crisis on the pay-TV market
• Impact of the sub-prime crisis on TV advertising revenues
• Impact the sub-prime crisis on public funding

4. The European debt crisis
• Comparison of GDP growth and TV revenues, 2009-2015
• Impact of the European debt crisis on the pay-TV market
• Impact of the European debt crisis on TV advertising revenues
• Impact the European debt crisis on public funding
• Impact the European debt crisis on video OTT services

5. The COVID-19 crisis
• Comparison of GDP growth and TV revenues, 2017-2023, before and post Covid-19
• Comparison of GDP growth and OTT video revenues, 2017-2023, before and post Covid-19
• Impact on the COVID-19 crisis on the pay-TV market
• Impact on the COVID-19 crisis on TV advertising revenues
• Impact on the COVID-19 crisis on the SVOD market
• Impact on the COVID-19 crisis on OTT video services
• Impact on the COVID-19 crisis on OTT video advertising revenues

6. Market data
• World
• North America
– United States
• Asia-Pacific
– China
• Europe
– United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain
• Latin America

OTT Platform Regulation

Harmonised European regulatory framework to cope with the dominance of US and Chinese platforms

Publisher:        IDATE DigiWorld

# of Pages:       


1 User License $2,500

Publication Date:  October, 2020

Price:       $2,500 / User License

1. Executive Summary
• Europe lagging behind United States and China in the digitalisation race
• European realisation of the need to collaborate, but this notion clashes with national divergence

2. Introduction

3. Protection of personal data
3.1. Key issues for Europe
3.2. European regulatory framework
3.3. European regulatory framework still incomplete
3.4. Controversial text on both sides of the Atlantic
3.5. The option of transferring data outside the EU is strictly regulated
3.6. The EU–US Privacy Shield
3.7. Increasing number of fines across Europe for infringement of personal data
3.8. The free flow of non-personal data is being encouraged
3.9. The situation in some key countries in Europe
> Germany > United Kingdom > France
3.10. The situation in North America
> United States > Canada

4. Support for content creation
4.1. Key issues for Europe
4.2. Different regulatory frameworks until 2018
4.3. No European framework for regulation of audiovisual platforms …
4.4. General principles of the European approach to regulation of the audiovisual sector
4.5. European regulatory framework: the major regulatory steps in the audiovisual field
4.6. Main provisions of the 2018 Directive
4.7. Transposition into national law expected by 19 September 2020
4.8. Comparison of exposure and production financing contribution in national law (2010 AMS Directive)
4.9. Harmonisation of the European legal framework on copyright
4.10. The two key points of the Copyright Directive
4.11. A Directive that pits GAFA / proponents of a free internet and rightholders against each other
4.12. France, 1st country to transpose the Copyright Directive
4.13. The situation in North America
> United States > Canada

5. Taxation of OTT Platforms
5.1. Key issues for Europe
5.2. Very different taxation across the European Union
5.3. VAT, the EU’s main “harmonised” tax
5.4. The fight against tax evasion
5.5. The desire to harmonise the tax base at the European level
5.6. Moving towards a ʺGAFA taxʺ on a global scale?
5.7. Local hopes of creating national GAFA taxes while waiting for wider harmonisation
5.8. The situation in North America
> United States > Canada

6. Competition between OTT Platforms
6.1. Key issues for Europe
6.2. The European regulatory framework
6.3. Directive on electronic commerce (2000/31/CE)
6.4. A variety of measures mainly focusing on the media, telecoms and OTT platforms
6.5. Actions taken towards the DSM to harmonise single market rules and strengthen European industry against international competition
6.6. 2020 marks a new stage in the European industrial strategy and in the creation of fair competition conditions
6.7. ʺShaping Europe’s digital futureʺ: a major communication that aims to define the Commission’s priorities for the 2020-2025 period
6.8. Modernisation of Directive 2000/31/CE relating to electronic commerce
6.9. The “Industrial strategy” package
6.10. European Competition Network (ECN)
6.11. The situation in North America
> United States > Canada